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The Block

A blog for authors and readers by publishers. By Wordsmack - a South African speculative science fiction publisher. Wordsmack accepts short stories, novellas and novels on a year-long submissions basis.

Terry Pratchett
Julianne Alcott
May 2014
text: GeekSNACK: A Free Short Story from The Guardian's Wyrd world
May 2014
text: Early praise for The Guardian’s Wyrd
The Guardian’s Wyrd, a fantasy adventure book set in Hout Bay, has received five star praise ahead of its release. The book...
May 2014
text: Cover reveal: The Guardian's Wyrd
It's one of our favourite days here at the Wordsmack office: Cover Reveal Day. The other favourites include publishing day an...
May 2014
updated shelf
read and rated
text: The Ripmender is live!
And ready for downloading Johannesburg, 6 May 2014 – A science fiction romance novel set in part in Durban and on an alien pl...
The Ripmender - Julianne Alcott
April 2014
reviewed: City of Lost Souls (Mortal Instruments)
In my review of Book 4 I mentioned that it seemed like an epilogue and like the author/publisher decided to continue with the...
City of Lost Souls - Cassandra Clare
finished reading:
April 2014
reviewed: City of Fallen Angels (Mortal Instruments, Book 4)
I'm still really enjoying the series because it's hard to put down and I care about the characters now, but it really feels a...
City of Fallen Angels - Cassandra Clare
finished reading:
April 2014
reviewed: City of Glass (Mortal Instruments)
This one is kind of the final in what I like to think of as the original trilogy. It is great! I couldn't put it down. Dark, ...
City of Glass - Cassandra Clare
finished reading:
April 2014
reviewed: City of Ashes (Mortal Instruments)
The second one is just as good or better than the first. Dark, funny and does not skirt around issues that YAs deal with. Tha...
City of Ashes - Cassandra Clare
finished reading:
April 2014
reviewed: City of Bones (Mortal Instruments, Book 1)
Dark, funny and does not skirt around issues that YAs deal with. That's the type of YA I like. The paranormal world is big an...
City of Bones - Cassandra Clare
finished reading:
April 2014
text: Calling all book bloggers!
Here at Wordsmack Publishers we realise the power of book bloggers - we love that the Internet has made it possible for anyon...
March 2014
finished reading:
March 2014
read and rated
read and rated
read and rated